Photography was invented by Niepce and Daguerre nearly 190 years ago. Now, thanks to recent development in electronics and material science, photographic technologies has successfully produced such as auto-focus cameras with electric eyes and super-high sensitivity films. Likewise, progress of imaging science has greatly expanded the scope of imaging and photosensitive systems, which now include not only silver halides but also electrophotography, photopolymers, and imaging devices. Recording systems are now expanded to magnetic recording, hard copying by ink jet and thermal transfer, thermal development of silver halides and varieties of printing. These materials and technologies are now being applied in all aspect of imaging, including image processing, image analysis, image evaluation and image preservation, with specific applications such as computer graphics and remote sensing.
The Society of Photography and Imaging of Japan (SPIJ) was founded in 1926 and now has nearly a 100-year long history. The early development of the Society was, of course, mainly related to photography, which remain one of the most important of imaging technologies. Today, the areas of activity include optics, camera, photosensitive materials, photographic processing, image evaluation, image processing, image analysis, image preservation, history of photography, photographic expression and photographic education.
The Society publishes Journal of the Photography and Imaging of Japan (Nippon Shahin Gakkaishi) and Bulletin of the Society of Photography and Imaging of Japan (BSPIJ) periodically, and organizes variety types of meeting, including annual meetings and symposia on a wide range of topics such as photographic technology, color processing, electronic photography, image preservation, photographic arts and camera technology. People from all types of organizations, including industry, government, academia and areas ranging from science and engineering to the arts, take part regularly in these Society-organized events. There, they can engage in discussions, and exchange of information in addition to obtaining fundamental and applied knowledge in all of the fields already mentioned.
2-9-5 Hon-cho, Nakano-ku, Tokyo 164-8678, Japan
Tel +81-3-3373-0724 Fax +81-3-3299-5887
The Society publishes two Society Journals below. The Society welcomes the submission of research papers to each Journal from the Society members.
The Journal is a quarterly journal for all the Society members. It includes scientific research papers (original articles and reviews) and information for the members. The scientific articles are disclosed at J-Stage (1-year embargo).
The Bulletin is a biannual, open-access, on-line, and peer-reviewed research journal for scientific researches about photography and imaging. All papers are published in English.